I am back, apparently. With a vengeance, they say. And although I would be tempted to say I am not vengeful, I would be lying.
I am very much preoccupied these days with happiness. What is happiness and how do we achieve it? Tons of stuff have been written on this subject, and I do not intend to add to that, but I would like, however, to give my own take on it.
Happiness is...[wait for it]...a matter of choice. Doesn't that sound mind-bogglingly simple? Well, because it is. And no, I don't mean simplistic. Just simple. People complicate things endlessly with their own fears and frustrations, insecurities and incapacity to think, no, live outside the box. Life is way more safe lived in patterns. Social chains that yank us left and right, just like cattle. But that amounts to merely breathing your way through the days. Happiness is about ego (feel free to contradict me here) - who I am, what do I want and what brings joy to my heart. A joyous heart is always a kind one (so you can relax about the egotistical juxtaposition).
We are not, and I repeat, we are not defined by our good or bad intentions, or by what we think we feel or do. We are defined by our choices.
There. There is nothing simpler than this and yet more complicated. If someone had told me some time ago that I am not happy because I do not want to be, I would have thought him insane and cynical. "What? Who? I would be happy, but the others! society!... it's their fault." But no, that's exactly it. You have to want it, to fight for it, to pursue it like a wild horse that needs to be tamed.
Butterflies all havin' fun, you do know what I mean?
Freedom is mine, and I know how I feel.
I leave you now, my sunny little friends. Feelin' good.
Unde-s distraiele, unde-s cafelele?
11 months ago
Cred că undeva, în sinele nostru mai mult sau mai puţin ascuns, cu toţii ştim sau mai degrabă intuim că alegerea este cea care ne defineşte drept mai mult decât un fir de nisip într-un mare univers. Alegerea înseamnă însă asumare, dezgolire în faţa lumii întregi. Tocmai de aceea unii fug de ea chiar şi cu preţul propriei fericiri. Ironic mi se pare că suntem atât de bine ancoraţi în norma socială încât credem că ochii celorlalţi sunt nu numai cei care ne certifică, cei care ne cântăresc şi ne aplică un calificativ mai mult sau mai puţin satisfăcător, dar şi cei care dau valoarea de "real" frământărilor sau dorinţelor din noi. Aşadar fugim de ei ca nişte popândăi zgribuliţi, blamând cu glas amar sau cu stropi de venin lumea care ne osândeşte la neîmplinire. De fapt, fugim de proprii ochi, cei mai aprigi judecători, pe care avem naivitatea de a crede că-i păcălim dacă băgăm tot ce nu este "conform" sub "covor" prin a nu ne asuma în faţa celorlalţi, aşadar nici în faţa noastră. Şi uite aşa rămânem doar un fir de nisip. Până când va veni o zi în care vom alege sau în care ne va împrăştia un vânt în cele patru zări.
ReplyDeleteI do believe in the happiness you make; after all, endorphins aren't that hard to produce. All you need is some sunshine and a good joke. However, surprise-happiness is of better quality; you know the kind: when you get hit by totally unexpected situations which make you burst into song and dance in the middle of the street. Uncontrollable-happiness ftw!