Monday, November 29, 2010

Sometimes the illusion

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child.
...with the soul of a crocodile. There is no patch left unscarred. It has become my armour. Isn't it ironic? My scars protect me now, like a chainlink body suit. My capsule of painful reminders, that both protects and imprisons me.

Other times I feel like a leaf in the wind. At the mercy of the elements. Carried to and fro following the whims of various people blowing bubbles of air.

Grab on to me. Hold me tight. Never let me go. Just like you would with quicksand.

Hello, white rabbit. Welcome. My veins are ready. Pour in your magic potion. Give me pleasure. Make me feel special, loved, cherished. Make me feel alive.

Illusion is the first of all pleasures. (Oscar Wilde)

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Ceilalti lupi m-ar sfasia daca ar sti ca urletul meu e un plans. (Octavian Paler)

I am never going to die. Nothing can kill me anymore. For I am immortal.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

We. Together. You. Me. Water.

Tribute to Terence Malick
(Brave New World - one of the most poetic films I have ever seen)

I am in need of words to express my emotions, my feelings, my turmoil, my pain, my rage, my beauty, my triumph. I find none.

Swim in me, my love, and see for yourself.