Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tiger, tiger

Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
(William Blake)

Down, down and away!

For reasons unbeknownst to me, I have started this blog, an endeavor begun almost two years ago but never completed, or as they say, brought to fruition.

I have often times thought about whether or not I have something to say to the world, that is, aside from the occasional banter, link-sharing and status messages from Facebook, as I have given up my MySpace account and rarely post even on Twitter. I find it slightly inane. "Hi, I am poopin'." I have updated the world.

Supposedly, in the idiot's guide to blogging, you are to pick out a topic for your blog, a theme, if you like. Well, I don't like. I haven't found it, all I can think of is dreams, sliding down the rabbit hole into the realm unknown. Is that even a topic? Who gives a flying rabbit?

So, I will scour the dark alleys of my brain to find issues to talk about, be they dreams or not, and post some more soon. Soon, my lovelies. Oh, and wide-awake dreams do count. In other words, my entire life.


P.S.: Kids, don't forget to put on your sarcasm goggles. Otherwise, 3D just ain't worth it.